Septilin Himalaya - Rebuilds & strengthens innate immunity
  • Septilin Himalaya - Rebuilds & strengthens innate immunity

Septilin Himalaya |Rebuilds & strengthens innate immunity

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how to boost your immune system? - with Septilin

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Himalaya Septilin is a widely known ayurvedic product to strengthen immune system.

Himalaya Septilin Action
Enhances immunity:
Septilin’s immunomodulatory, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties are beneficial in maintaining general well-being. It increases the level of antibody-forming cells, thereby elevating the body’s resistance to infection and virus. Septilin stimulates phagocytosis (elimination of bacteria through ingestion) by macrophage (white blood cells) activation, which combats infection.

Himalaya Septilin Other benefits:
Septilin possesses antipyretic (reduces fever) properties. It is also beneficial in respiratory tract infections, including chronic tonsillitis, pharyngitis, chronic bronchitis, nasal catarrh (mucous membrane inflammation of the respiratory tract) and laryngitis.

Himalaya Septilin Indications
A. Dieseases with fever:
* cold * flu * recurring fever

B. Reduce recurrence in infection-prone individuals  
C. Bacterial and fungal infections
* Candida albicans, * Escherichia Coli, * Proteus, * Clebsiela, * Pseudomonas, * Schigella, * Staphylococcus aureus, * S. epidermalis, * Streptocroccus agalactiae,
* S. dysagalactae, * S.pyogenes, * S. uberis,* Mycoplasma, Ureaplasma, and others

D. Immunological system:
* autumn-winter period, flu epidemic prevention,
* reduced body resistance, frequent colds,
* antibacterial and antiviral protection of the body
* Herpes simplex (herpes virus)

E. Skin and soft tissue problem:
* rose, boils, rosacea, mycosis of the skin, shingles, hard to heal purulent wounds

F. Respiratory system:
* acute and chronic inflammation of the respiratory system, asthma, tuberculosis, dry and wet cough, asthmatic cough, chronic foggy, constant clearing, bronchitis, infections of the upper and lower respiratory tract,

G. Urinary tract infection:
* urinary tract infections, kidney and urolithiasis, urinary incontinence, problems passing urine,

H. Movement system:
* pain in joints and limbs, arthritis, viral and rheumatic arthritis, gout

I. Respiratory allergies

J. In dental infections

K. In eye infections

L. In post-operation conditions :
1. To reduce relapses in people prone to infections
2. As a means of supporting the treatment of infections
3. With resistance to antibiotics (Antibiotic therapy).

Himalaya Septilin Main ingredients
Guduchi (Tinospora Gulancha)
is a potent antimicrobial that has immunostimulatory properties, which helps in increasing the level of antibodies. This helps in building up the body’s resistance to infections.

Yashtimadhu (Licorice) enhances immunostimulation and increases macrophage (white blood cells that ingests antibodies) function in vitro. It is also an antiviral agent and an expectorant, which is beneficial in asthma, acute or chronic bronchitis and chronic cough.

Guggulu (Indian Bdellium) has anti-inflammatory properties, which soothe sore throat and help reduce inflammation. As an antioxidant, Indian Bdellium helps in maintaining overall health.

Himalaya Septilin Ingredients
Maharasnadi - 130 mg.
Guduchi - Tinospora cordiofolia - 98 mg.
Manjishtha - Radix Rubia officinallis - 64 mg.
Amalaki - Fructus Emblica officinallis - 32 mg.
Shigru - Radix Moringa pterygosperma - 32 mg.
Yashtimadhu - Radix Glycyrrhiza glabra - 12 mg.
Sankha Bhasma - Pow
łoka morskiego ślimaka - 64 mg.
Guggulu - Balsamodendron mukul - 32,4 mg.

Himalaya Septilin Dosage
2 tablets twice a day preferably before meals to be taken with lukewarm warm water. Basic treatment - at least 6 weeks. After this period, 1 tab. twice a day as a maintenance dose for at least next 6-12 weeks. In special situations, it is advisable to consult a doctor, who can suggest the appropriate dose, which suits your health condition.

Himalaya Septilin Attention
during the treatment you should avoid drinking alcohol, sour and fatty foods. Drink approx. 2-3 liters of water to avoid secondary intoxication as a result of the death of harmful microorganisms and purification. The preparation will absorb and remove all toxins and dead microorganisms from the body. You should then use a dose of good bacteria contained in: Acidophilus and probiotics.

Himalaya Septilin Contraindications
Septilin does not cause any side effects if taken in accordance with the prescribed doses.
Warning: do not use during pregnancy and lactation, and for children under 2 years old.

Himalaya Septilin Packaging
1 box - 60 tablets / 1 bottle of Septilin (in syrup) - 200 ml.

Himalaya Septilin Expiry date
2 years from the month / year of production, printed on the packaging.


The information on this page is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Do not use this information to diagnose or treat your problem without consulting your doctor.

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