Szanowni Państwo, zmieniamy się dla Was świętując 10-ty rok działalności naszego sklepu.
Kanchnara Guggulu (500 mg.) Sri Sri Tattva - pomaga przy problemach z tarczycą i nie tylko
Wspiera zdrowie tarczycy, nerek i wątroby.
należąca do organizacji Art of Living
Sri Sri Ravishankar
SRI SRI AYURVEDA was embodied by world-renowned spiritual leader Sri Sri Ravishankar. His organisation, the Art of Living, operates in more than 150 countries worldwide. Sri Sri Ayurveda's herbal preparations and cosmetics are currently branded under the Sri Sri Tattva brand, made from specially selected, ecologically pure herbs (100% Organic) and by spiritualised employees, as the workers have to participate in a mass meditation organised on the premises every morning before starting work.
1 pack. - 60 tablets.
The information on this site is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Do not use this information to diagnose or treat a problem without consulting your doctor.
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